We are real people from Trenton, New Jersey who are really trying to help make the world a better place and promote as much positivity the best way we can.     We believe we can do all things through Christ, who strenghthens us, for real.  

Our LIGHT  journey began in 2020, when the Coronavirus Pandemic became known to us, which closed our jobs down for some time. It was called Covid 19 because per our government leadership, it was developed in 2019, but we all were affected financially in 2020. We  believe everything happens for a reason, whether good or bad. We chose to use that opportunity to try and be a light to the world as much as possible. Every morning we wake up, we are all gifted with another chance to make better choices,

Thank you Lord!!!

 Being a light to the world can be done in many ways, by many people, from many places.  It may not seem easy to do with this craziness today, but it is possible.

Put God first and believe in him who is the truth ! 

 If one can be positive, we all can do it too because,

No one is perfect, but we can all try to be positive!  

Stay safe and positive !


Much love and God bless to all ! 🙏

© 2020 Nasha 's beauty & lifestyle blog. All rights reserved.
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