Our Daily Gift


Here is our daily gift, waking up to see another day is a blessing ! 🎁

Hello LIGHT family!!! I just wanted to share these 4 steps of Serenity I created, based on my love for God's Serenity Prayer. I love that prayer so much and it inspired me to write these steps from the heart. I hope this is helpful to you all in some way to getting peace of mind.🎁

✨ Hello LIGHT family, there was something my mom used to say to me, that was simple but was so powerful at the same time. I feel the need to share because I feel many who know have forgotten. There were times she told me " treat others , how you want to be treated" and I am sure many of you heard that saying as a child in school or where ever. ...

Hello LIGHT Family!!! I hope you all are safe and managing the best way possible through this Corona Virus 19 pandemic we are all going through at this time. I am appreciative of the effort and contributions made by many people who try and help make the world a better place, Thank you all, for real. The government is...

Love, peace and let there be LIGHT to you all reading this! We are in a time where we need to stick together, learn from one another and try to help each other stay positive. Encourage joy, love, peace and a welcoming environment. Put aside whatever differences we may feel we have with each other. I emphasize the...

It is August 11, 2020, and we have been through so much this past few months. Everyone, no matter where they live, we all have our own type of struggle going on. We had to just up and change our routine when this Corona virus 2019 pandemic broke out in March of 2020. Our kids did too by having to finish schooling from home. ...

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