Happy Black History Month !!   It Is Not Over !!!



" Broken things can become blessed things if you let God do the mending"            I have heard a lot in my life from my family.  I believe a good unity makes a good community, just like a lot of our ancestors. I am so thankful for each and every African American person that contributed to our sucess and freedom today, thank you Lord !  There were other races that tried to step in and help our ancestors, that got penalized for it, thank God for you all as well ! There were inventions made back then that we still use now. 

Maria Van Brittan Brown, is the originator of the home security system.  Brown invented a security system with multiple peek holes and 2 way cameras for the door, to see who it was , enabling people to not open the door for danger.
Garret Morgan invented hair care products, gas masks and traffic signals.  After witnessing a terrible accident, Morgan realized how dangerous it is to be driving on the road without communicating with each other somehow.
 Thank God for everyone, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, George Washington Carver, Abraham Lincoln, Bob Marley, Patti Labelle, Barack and Michelle Obama, and many more great legends in heaven and earth, past, present and future.
Thank God for you all and your contributions to helping make the world a better place, you will always have a place in our hearts.

Much love , God Bless, Black History Lives Forever In Us! ✨🎁🙏💯


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