Love, Peace and Let there be LIGHT 


          Love, peace and let there be LIGHT to you all reading this! We are in a time where we need to stick together, learn from one another and try to help each other stay positive. Encourage joy, love, peace and a welcoming environment.  Put aside whatever differences we may feel we have with each other.  I emphasize the word "feel" because in actuality, what makes us different also makes us special, which makes us all the same  human species.  Good vibes are always welcomed here on LIGHT, so pay it forward to brighten someone's day.  We do that through consideration, understanding and respecting each other. Like my mama said, "treat people how you want to be treated, with respect."  I believe that simple concept will make a big difference in the world today.

       We were raised to respect our elders, ourselves, family, friends and who ever was in our environment.  For example, as a child, we were taught, if we did not know the persons name, we would address them as ma'am or sir, no matter the age since were not allowed to ask adults that anyway. We learned a lot as children and is still learning as adults to this day. Together,  we can all succeed at our short or long term goals !!

TIP : Please do not be offended when children or an adult calls  you ma'am or sir, that simply means they do not know your name and was raised with respect. When you tell someone not to call you that, it  is confusing them and is probably why there is a lack of respect nowadays. 

       WE CAN CHOOSE to do the right thing , teach our children the respect our parents taught us and more.   I am choosing to stay positive and share the love, no one is perfect, but we all know how to try to do our best. It may seem like our best is not good enough at times my LIGHT family , but remember, no matter what ,nothing  beats a failure but a try, so lets keep trying. 

Let our LIGHT shine!!! Much love and blessings to you all !!!

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